The quaint town of Kazarman, situated close to the Makmal gold
mine and Fergana mountains, is the gateway to the famous Saimaluu-Tash
petroglyphs. Shirinkan was the frst CBT host in Kazarman. In 2005 Shirinkan
learned of the CBT hosting opportunity from her sister-in-law who was working
with the Swiss organisation Helvetas. Every summer season since 2005 she
has welcomed travellers – returning to her regular job teaching English at the
local school in winter.
While CBT hosting helped Shirinkan increase her income and improve
her living standards, her husband has not always been on board. She
explained, “He is an introvert. He was against it because people would come,
and we had no running water for the tourists. We top up the washbasin with
water and empty the bucket of wasted water under it, too. He didn't want to do
that”. However, after they started earning money, his attitude changed, “Now
he always asks if there is anything he can do”.
Shirinkan believes that the fnancial independence she gained through
CBT has empowered her in many ways. She manages the family’s fnances
and now the family fully supports her decisions. She is able to make important
renovations to her house that have made her guests and her family more
comfortable. Perhaps Shirinkan is most proud of what she has been able to do
for her children, “I was able to support their study at the Kyrgyz State Medical
Institute. My daughter is a dentist, and my son is a trauma specialist. This
would not be possible without tourism. If God wills, we are getting better and
better. I would like to see a lot of tourists.” She also feels blessed to be able to
help others, “My hands are now open. I always want to give. I help both mine
and my husband’s relatives pay off loans, fx their cars, or facilitate treatment
for those who fall ill, may God protect us.”
Shirinkan emphasised the distinct sense of sportsmanship among
women, “Men are competitive by nature; they never help and don’t even want
to advise. On the other hand, women in CBT help and advise each other. I
consult with my friend every time I cook a salad, set the table, or just fry eggs. I
take pictures of the dishes I cook and share my recipes. One day I told a friend
how to cook lentil soup. She was cooking it wrong, and I advised her to mix it
well with a blender. She didn't have a blender, so I took mine to her house.”
She goes on to explain that in her opinion, “A woman's heart is more tender;
she is a mother. Women are kind. I do not know a man like this.”
She believes that her determination and confdence in her abilities are
her biggest strengths, “I cannot easily accept what others say. If I set a goal, I
will work very hard until I get it.”