Dana Askar and Gauhar Askar, the eldest of four sisters hailing from Almaty, embarked on an extraordinary venture at the dawn of 2020—the establishment of their very own kindergarten, named "Da Vinci Kids." Their story unfolds against a backdrop of a caring and financially secure family, a foundation that provides them with the opportunity to attend the best schools and pursue university degrees.
Their parents, particularly their father, served as pillars of support, instilling in them a sense of self-belief and determination. Dana reminisced, "He always used to say that we can do anything we want, we are capable of achieving anything we wish for, and that we are strong individuals. We just need to learn how to use our brain." In their democratic upbringing, the sisters were encouraged to express their opinions fearlessly, fostering the seeds of responsibility within them.
Dana proudly identifies as a feminist, crediting her parents, especially her father, for imparting the confidence and self-belief necessary to build a business. The lessons he taught them continue to shape their entrepreneurial journey, for which Dana holds immense gratitude.
However, tragedy struck when Dana was just 18 years old. Her father's sudden death from a heart attack left a void that seemed insurmountable. Yet, his legacy endured, as he bequeathed the family a grand house in the heart of the city. For years, they rented this property as an office space, but life took a serendipitous turn when both sisters married and became mothers themselves.
The search for a suitable kindergarten for their own children proved challenging. Dana yearned for a place where her children would be nurtured with the same love and care she would provide. Furthermore, her eldest son's allergies necessitated a specialized diet that existing kindergartens in the city could not accommodate. Motivated by these needs and armed with their childhood house, the sisters decided to transform it into a haven of early education and care.
With the permission of their mother, Dana and Gauhar embarked on a renovation journey, officially commencing their business. Their husbands rallied behind them, investing in the refurbishment, though the financial burden remained manageable. The idea of a family-owned kindergarten garnered support, particularly from the women within their family. Their younger sisters stepped up to assist with advertising, leveraging the power of Instagram to spread the word. And their mother, demonstrating profound belief in their mission, provided them with rent-free use of the property for the pivotal first year.
The sisters' determination bore fruit as they secured additional support from the government. Through a financial grant and registration in the "Balapan" government program, they aligned their kindergarten with a national initiative aimed at resolving the shortage of kindergarten spaces. Championed by Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev, the program aimed to create new opportunities in preschool education and training centers. "Balapan" became the largest budget program in the field of education, with substantial allocations dedicated to its implementation. The state's contribution of 18,000 tenge per month for each child, with parents covering the cost of food, propelled their cause forward.
The two sisters, Dana and Gauhar, assumed distinct responsibilities, orchestrating the development of the kindergarten. Gauhar, the elder sister, shouldered the financial and administrative aspects, engaging with government bodies such as the Ministry of Education and Health and Safety officials. Dana, on the other hand, devoted her attention to food quality, design needs, staff and parent relationships, and the meticulous management of the toy inventory. By dividing these responsibilities, they achieved optimal results and ensured the seamless operation of their kindergarten.
Remarkably, their dedication remained despite the demands of their full-time jobs. Gauhar, as the financial director of a construction company, brought her financial acumen and strategic prowess to Garten's operations. Meanwhile, Dana, a multi-faceted entrepreneur running her own tourist agency and striving to establish a clothing brand, "TheCult.kz," infused the venture with her boundless creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.
As Dana reflects on their journey, she attributes their success to the trust they share as sisters. Rather than interfering in each other's domains, they wholeheartedly support and uplift one another—a valuable lesson their father imparted. Dana asserts that their accomplishments would have been impossible without this bond of sisterhood and collaboration.
Today, the sisters dedicate 100% of their time to the kindergarten they built from the ground up. Their commitment and vision have led them to erect a new building, expanding the capacity of their beloved establishment.